Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Search for Meaning

Click for larger version

xerolage, poemics, speech balloons

we have an opportunity to publish poemics in Xerolage.

as mIEKAL aND wrote to me, the collection should work as a whole, so I suggest we could use speech balloons as a main form in these poemics.

speech balloons were already used in some poemics, I think that they make a great opportunity of bringing elements of poetry and comics together. the balloons can be transformed or experimented on, and they can tell us about many ideas. text, pwoermd, letter vispos, asemic writing and many other things can be used in speech balloons. photography, drawings, computer graphics and many more techniques also are welcome, as long as the speech balloon element is present :). I hope these suggestions are not too restrictive, and I hope that we will create something interesting, that the readers will like it.

all the contributors to our blog are invited. I don't know how many people would be interested, so I think it would be best if each author creates about 5 or 7 pieces. when there are too many, the rest can be published on our blog or elsewhere (if you suggest which ones should be chosen first, please include such information).

size: 8.5 x 11 inches.
form to be used: speech balloons.
colours: black and white
deadline: end of February.
also needed: a photo and a short bio of each of the authors.
email: pszren(at)wp(dot)pl

so please send the works and the photo as attachments, and the bio in the email.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

32 times haiga - PI

these were not generated automatically, although I thought about it :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the opening of the exhibition

apple juice and salt sticks were served, but it was not the only reason that made it worth visiting the eshibition's opening. people (I've counted 18, but perhaps there were more), really commented on the works, they asked questions and looked at the strips carefully. they liked them, the opinions were that the exhibition is interesting, or even very interesting!

first Michał Wolny (who was the main organizer of the exhibition) talked about poemics and introduced me. then I talked about our blog, about the anthology and about each of the authors of the strips. it lasted for a short time, and then I invited the people to come closer to the strips - and they did, we've all talked about the strips for a long time. it was really interesting, and the people were interested.

there are many projects planned to take place in Tektura during next three weeks, so there are big chances that more people will see our exhibition, too. I've left there over 300 leaflets with a link to our blog, so perhaps some of the visitors of Tektura will also visit this site.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

preparations for the exhibition

so these are just some more simple works about haikus (and one with shadoikus - haikus in the language of the shadoks).

our works are on the walls of Tektura club already, and the exhibition will be open from January the 20th till February the 14th, seven days a week, hours 16.00-20.00. The black room, Tektura Club, Wieniawska street number 15a, Lublin, Poland.

there will be a small opening ceremony, tomorrow, that is Wednesday, January the 20th, 18.00. I will post pictures or a link to a gallery. all the best, and I hope some people will come and see the exhibition, and later also see our blog.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

haiku #1 - Poemic Inquiry

wow, thank you so much for the idea! there are so many possibilities here. perhaps this one is not a typical haiku, although the 5-7-5 is present :).

Friday, January 8, 2010

Poemic Inquiry -- Launching a poemicstrip project


With pszren's permission, I've added a toggle over to the left for "Poemic Inquiries."  In planning for the future of this blog, we discussed the idea of particular memes or questions we might investigate as an on-line community of poets/artists.  These are in no way meant to limit your creative freedom.  Rather, for a set period of time (a month?  two weeks?  a week?) this is a question we might consider together and offer either comments or poemic work in response.

Process:  If you are a contributor to the blog, feel free to post work or commentary in response to the question; please note in your post (or preferably, post title) that it is in response to the current Poemic Inquiry.  If you are not a contributor, feel free to post comments here and, if you like, a link to a site (blog, Flickr, etc.) where we can see your work in response to this question.  And if you would like to join the list of contributors, just ask.  At the end of the time period for this Inquiry, I will post the links to any off-site work in response to the question.  For this first test drive of the Inquiry, I am planning to make the compilation post of links and contributions by February 1.

Types of Inquiries:  I see these questions as being anything productive that gets the creative ball rolling.  They may skew more to the poetry side of poemics, to the comics side, or land somewhere in the hybrid middle.  If you have questions you would like us to consider in the future, either post them in the comments section here or email them to me here

The Current Inquiry:  I thought I would start us off with a question about comparative form.  What is a Poemic Haiku?  I've submitted work before that plays around with the formal structure of a haiku here.  I also think Márton Koppány's recent post, "Still," is very like a haiku. Haiku are most popularly known for their 5-7-5 syllabic meter, although that is not necessarily their most important feature.  They are elegantly simple, short, abstract, often focused on the tension of opposites, often nature themed, and often rely on a playful sense of image.  In short, they relate well to many of the issues we deal with in poemics.  There are lots of web sites about haiku, but this Wikipedia entry is a good place to start refreshing your memory about them.

first review - serif of nottingblog

as we are busy working on the Tektura exhibition (it's not yet sure, but it would begin something around the 20th of January), links to the anthology and some reviews of it are beginning to appear. the first one that I know of is here:

please take a look at the works there, I like SOME ELLIPSES AFTER H very much.

all the best,


Sunday, January 3, 2010

poemic strip anthology on scribd

I have the honour to announce, that the anthology of poemic strips is on scribd - please take a look:

the countries represented in the anthology are: Australia, Brasil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, England, Finland, Hungary, Malasia, Netherlands, Poland, and U.S.A.

meet the authors: ainur, A. Litowczak, Andy Martrich, Aurelia Milach, Daniela Gallardo Zderich, Gary Barwin, Jim Andrews, Jonny Gray, Lanny Quarles, Lucie Haškovcová, Márton Koppány, Neide Dias de Sá, Nina Roos, o. thomas, PSzren, saniismail, Satu Kaikkonen, telomateo, Tim Gaze, and Weronika Barott.

editing this anthology was not easy, I hope both authors and readers will not curse me for this job. I've printed one copy so far, I will make more tomorrow.

I hope you like the anthology. if you have such possibilities, please give the link to people that might be interested. and if you know someone that can write a review, or if you can write a review and publish it somewhere, please do so!


Friday, January 1, 2010

poemics projects for this year

hello everyone and Happy New Year!

I thought it might be a good time to make some plans. what do you think we should do in the field of poemics?

I mean it's best when we simply create new poemics and publish them (on this blog and elsewhere), but perhaps you have ideas of some new projects?

I've gathered all the pieces for the poemic strip anthology, I hope you will like it. I will try to print the anthology this Monday, and send it to you and put it on scribd. the people from Tektura club are working on organizing our exhibition.

it might be considered a next poemics project, well, even if it's going to be small, I just thought I might give it a try: so I've started a poemics mailart project on the blog but our blog is the basis, that mailart blog is just another way of letting people know about poemics.

what do you think about these things? and what ideas do you have? can you organize some projects?

well, I thought that we might start creating poemics with more panels, or even projects that are many pages long, and where on every page there are lots of panels :).

all the best to you!